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1977 and the death of Elvis; why I didn’t care (he was 42); what the Johns (Lydon, Lennon, Peel) said; Elvis versus John Lennon.


Songs from my early life, with a couple by Elvis (featuring T Rex).


Elvis shopping opportunities; the imagined Book Of Elvis; Elvis versus Robert Johnson.


Elvis hair, historical hair, rebellious hair (featuring Jerry Lee Lewis, Status Quo, Keith Emerson), school hair, haircuts.


JG Frazer’s The Golden Bough; Elvis, myths, heroes and kings; two different kinds of (Elvis) magic; virtual Elvis on tour.


My 2002 Dead Elvis Silver Jubilee Moment (when I was 42); his comeback TV special; his comeback single.




Page 147

…I spent time working for free in a pottery, learning how to mix clay and throw pots, glaze them and fire them…







The brown stuff on one arm is an iron glaze, which turns black when fired. The white stuff on the other arm is a titanium glaze, which stays white. You probably shouldn’t stir dustbins full of glaze with your arms, but it’s a lot easier than using a stick.







As well as being used separately, the iron and titanium glazes can be layered to create a mottled effect. The blue pots are glazed using  cobalt and titanium. These pots were photographed at the pottery shortly after firing.





These crackled pots are examples of raku, an intuitive Japanese ceramic style that exploits qualities of irregularity and unpredictability. The phrase often used to express this general approach, wabi sabi,  has no English equivalent.

The picture is of a display in Inverness Library.






page 148

…“King of the Delta Blues Singers” is the title of the album… and it was released before any images of Robert Johnson had been found...






…there are only two photographs of Robert Johnson… 



One of them appears on this reissue. Note Johnson's smart appearance, and the consequent lack of rural authenticity. And see how long his fingers are.



Page 149

…on the front cover of “Bringing It All Back Home”…  is a copy of “King of the Delta Blues Singers”…


























Page 150

…somewhere in the Book Of Elvis…



Elvis shrine, and the sculpture ‘Return To Sender’ by Sean Read, Kelvingrove Gallery, Glasgow.




The cover of American Music, a book of photography by Annie Liebovitz. It shows the record on the turntable in Graceland at the time of Elvis’s death: an acetate copy of songs by the Stamps Quartet, a white southern harmony group. They sang with Elvis during the last six years of his life, and he would often spend hours singing with them after his live performances.

Elvis ‘Heartbreak Hotel’ record player music box.




Elvis TV with bullet hole. Apparently he fired a round into the set while singer and actor Robert Goulet was onscreen. Even stranger is the story that he enjoyed eating watermelon while shooting at light bulbs floating in his swimming pool. I hope this is true; even if it isn’t, we know he liked guns and he liked firing them.

'Elvis on TV’ radio set featuring an image from his ‘Aloha Hawaii’ performance.






Elvis stamps from Mongolia, part of a 3x3 sheet.

Elvis sweet dispensers made by the Pez confectionery company: army Elvis; 68 comeback Elvis; Aloha from Hawaii Elvis.



page 150

…Elvis hair, strands and tufts and wisps of Elvisness…




Page 154

…a tall, frosty, physically imposing former rugby international referred to as Syph… a tall, ravingly eccentric, handlebar-moustachioed former army officer referred to as Clap…





Page 160

…an agent of the Bureau Of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, receiving his own BNDD badge following a specially arranged meeting with Nixon in 1970...














Page 163

…the magic of contact…



Page 164

…the magic of similarity…





Page 164

…a shamanic conduit channelling some of the magic…






Page 165

…the King went on a world tour with ‘Elvis – The Concert'…

























Page 169

…I’d like to think that the muffled squelching sound reported around Memphis in late 2004 was Elvis turning in his grave…






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